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Useful Tips

Driving Side

We drive on the left hand side in Mauritius

Speed Limit

The avaerage maximum speed on the motorway is between 80 to 110 km & between 30 to 60 Km on other roads.


The wearing of seat belt is compulsory for driver & all passengers.

Stay in Lane

The median line can be a marker for the driver to stay in lane (Left hand side).

On a round about

Since driving in Mauritius is on the left hand side, traffic on a round about always comes from the right hand side.

When Overtaking

When driving on a two way street make sure the way is clear from the opposite direction and check on your left hand side before getting back into lane.

Parked Vehicles

On two way streets, there may be no parking bay for buses & good vehicles for loading & unloading. Take precautions when overtaking such parked vehicles. When overtaking do not hesitate to hoot to notify your intentions.

Other Road Users

Take maximum precaution when overtaking cycles, motorbikes and other two wheelers. Do not hesitate to hoot to notify your intention when overtaking. Pedestrians sometime do not use the crossing area. Do not hesitate to hoot to draw their attention.

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